

Long time, no see.

I guess I've had SO much going on that I haven't known what to even write about. Right now I'm re-reading Too Busy Not to Pray by Bill Hybels... a genius. It's absolutely incredible. He's a great writer, very eloquent, fast paced, but doesn't skip the good parts if you know what I mean. I'm hoping I can rely on my prayer more than I do on hoping that I hear God.. because you can't hear Him if you don't ever listen! haha You'd think I'd realize that... right? :)

I feel so awkward these days. So much is going on and I feel pulled in a lot of different directions. I'm kind of on sensory overload, ya know?

I'm trying to weed through all the crap and find what is really in front of me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

totally feeling this one.