

"My dear children, let's not just talk about love: Let's practice real love. This is the only way we'll know we're living truly, living in God's reality." (-1 John 3:18)

I'm feeling the deep confusion that comes from being in your 20's. School, my career, who I am, marriage, family, growing up, fast-paced change... all of it. I feel so prepared for life and what it brings, but I am deeply wrestling with God on where my place in all of it is. I am so excited about what the next year is going to bring in Cookeville and I'm preparing everyday for my move back to Nashville. I'm praying everyday for guidance in the little things.

Things to be thankful for:
-my family ... they are wonderful :)
-freedom in all areas of life... physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally...
-spending time with a certain someone that has made me happier than I have ever been
-seeing my childhood friend that reminds me of who I was, am, and always will be :)
-new plans for the fall
-seeing people that I care about

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"I'm feeling the deep confusion that comes from being in your 20's. School, my career, who I am, marriage, family, growing up, fast-paced change... all of it. I feel so prepared for life and what it brings, but I am deeply wrestling with God on where my place in all of it is. I am so excited about what the next year is going to bring in Cookeville and I'm preparing everyday for my move back to Nashville. I'm praying everyday for guidance in the little things."

totally feeling this one too. except that i don't feel prepared. blahness.