
Hope for the Hopeless

Where do we honestly run in the face of despair? Between the disaster in Lafayette, things in my personal life, and the pain I see in our community, it is SO easy to just curl up in a ball and FORGET. I try so hard to forget the pain and to try to just move on, or even just let it lie and sit in my sorrows. Lately, I'll admit, I've lost some hope. But the reality is that all it comes down to is [sitting at the feet of the cross and remembering.] Remembering the pain that has already been laid on Him, the despair felt by His followers, by His mother, and by His best friends, and most of all... by His Father.

He endured it all to give us life, not pain. We all still experience pain, but it isn't a hopeless situation, and it is NOT a hopeless life. Jesus restores us. He revives us. He breathes life in lifeless times. He waters the ground we walk on. He gives light. He reveals beauty in disaster. He is pro-life.

"A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries bones." Proverbs 17:22

Awaken our souls, lead us to Your light
Take these dry bones and give them life
With Your mighty hand, lead us to Your throne
We bow our knees to You alone, to You alone

Make us a mighty army
Teach us to declare Your glory to the world...to the world
Jesus is a banner we wave
You are the only one who can save, Jesus

Breathe, breathe in me, breathe in me, breathe in me.
Breathe in us.


Jeff B said...


I am really glad that you wrote this. The first part totally nails how I have been feeling also. I often feel like giving up, laying in bed all day, trying to forget. Over the past few months, I have had to learn that you can never forget, just fill those sad thoughts, those problems in life, with happy thoughts. When ever I feel like curling up in a ball and crying myself to sleep, I call my friends. I know my friends are the only way to "get over" those tough times. I thank the Lord each day for those friends (like you). I am positive that without you guys, I would not be here today.

I love you Amy, if you ever need anything let me know.

go to www.chadjarnagin.com said...

well done.

reminds me of a Mat Kearney song.