

Yesterday at our staff meeting we began a new routine of how the meeting will operate. Of course we will still do some of the same ol' things we have to do, but at the end of every staff meeting, we've decided to do some type of leadership training.

Near the end of our meeting yesterday Steve put in a video from the Catalyst Conference in 2007. We listened to Craig Groeschel's message on letting God disturb us. It was one of the most powerful messages I've ever heard, and the one I needed to hear right then. Some of the quotes that really moved me were:

"If you take the blame for the decrease in numbers at your church, you make start to take credit for the increase."

"Practical Atheism: believing that God exists, but living as though He doesn't. It is also believing that God exists, and running your ministry as though He doesn't."

"What has happened when you begin to be a full time pastor and a part time follower of Christ?"

Craig was so honest in everything he said. He openly admitted his disobedience and laziness with God at times in his life. He spoke about how his sermons on Sundays would be built upon how to impress the congregation or how he could make the "perfect" three point sermon on how to overcome "_______". His main point was simply a question, "What DISTURBS you?" You have to ask God to disturb you.

This sermon has truly made me question my own life... am I a practical atheist? Do I live my life everyday in light of God's existence?

You can watch Craig's sermon series on practical atheism on iTunes for FREE!!! Just look up "Practical Atheism".

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